Estratetraenol (6 ml) It is an excellent pheromone for long-term and new couples alike and promotes bonding and affection between partners.</p><p>Note: this pure pheromone concentrate contains 1 mg of pheromones per ml of carrier liquid.
</p></div> <div><p><strong>AndrosteRONE</strong> is a mild pheromone and a useful addition to many pheromone formulas.Many people find that <strong>AndrosteRONE</strong> helps them make positive, memorable impression in all kinds of situations. We recommend starting with 1 drop per 3-5 ml of your favorite fragrance and adjusting the pheromones as needed until you see your desired results.
</p><p>You can wear <strong>AndrosteNOL</strong> by itself or as part of a mix.</p><p>Known as "the icebreaker pheromone," <strong>AndrosteNOL</strong> can improve just about all of your relationships.